Maternity Physio and Pelvic Health

What Mums say…


“I cannot recommend Niamh enough. She did wonders for my late pregnancy back pain – after several expensive complementary treatments had made it worse.

Her evidence based approach using exercises, massage and posture correction tackled the cause of the problem rather than promising a quick fix – by my due date I was pain free. And all done within the comfort of my own home and at a very reasonable price! As a midwife myself I can assure you her practise is completely safe and appropriate for pregnancy.”

Alex, (midwife) N8

“I saw Niamh for a Mummy MOT following the birth of my daughter and I would definitely recommend for every new Mum to have one! Niamh performed a very thorough postnatal examination, which included checking posture, abdominal muscles and pelvic floor. She was also really happy to answer any queries or concerns that I had.  After my appointment she followed up by e mailing videos and further advice.

As a midwife and new Mum I feel that every postnatal woman should have a Mummy MOT. It gave me reassurance to have a thorough examination and sound professional advice.”

Deborah (midwife) N8

“Thanks Niamh for all the info and a super reassuring session yesterday. I’ve got several mum friends in Crouch End so will spread the word!”

Helen, N8

“Niamh really saved my early weeks as a new mum. I had suffered from debilitating pelvic pain throughout pregnancy which lasted after giving birth. I had a lot of difficulty walking or pick up my baby. I already felt better after just one session with Niamh and the pain subsided and I regained my mobility within just a few sessions. Niamh was really flexible and understanding with timing, working around the baby’s schedule, and was really helpful gently guiding me through postnatal exercises. I cannot recommend her enough. Will miss her back massages too, which were such a blessing after long breastfeeding sessions!”

Cecile, N10 

“Niamh helped me immensely during my third pregnancy. I had suffered from pelvic girdle pain in my previous pregnancy and it started again even earlier, 24 weeks, and more severely this time. She was incredibly accommodating and arranged a home visit within 48 hours of me contacting her, even though it was four days before Christmas! After a couple of sessions my pain had almost completely resolved. I would highly recommend Niamh. She is warm, personable and clearly knows her craft as I have remained pain-free, despite now being 33 weeks pregnant.”

Anju, N8

 “I am feeling loads better this week-almost no pain when walking.and just a little bit of discomfort in my lower back. I think you worked magic! Thank you so much.”

Rhiana, Highbury

“I found the session really empowering and enjoyed doing something for myself again! It is crazy how disconnected I feel from my body, despite it having endured the most incredibly enduring performance. It is a trauma of sorts and like you said deserves to be treated as one with the rehabilitation necessary to get back to its former strength.”
ID, South London

“I`m feeling so much better, thank you! After you left it did`nt feel much different but a few hours later it did feel as if something had shifted. I was still in pain, but it felt much better. Then over the weekend the muscle healed and now I have hardly any pain”

K, N9

 “I have been meaning to get in touch and let you know that I am completely pain-free thanks to your treatment and guidance. Hopefully I won`t need anymore treatment but I will definitely recommend you to friends”

T, Southgate (c-section mum)

“My problem is much better almost completely gone so thanks for your help with that. I am now getting pain in my inner thighs and sides but find that your exercises do help”

Emilie, Wood Green

“I saw you in November due to my pelvic girdle pain. Whatever you did worked wonders as the pain hugely reduced the day after! So thank you for that.

I literally could barely walk before I saw you, then when I woke the following day it was like magic! No pain at all! I’ve been suggesting that my friends see you not only to address pregnancy related ailments but also as a precautionary measure to nip any pregnancy related physiological problems in the bud!”

Z, Wood Green

“I just wanted to let you know I’ve seen a big improvement in the PGP pain in the last two weeks and am feeling much better 🙂

I did end up getting the belt for walking but have found the large bouncy ball and exercises have really helped. Thank you so much for your help.”

Katherine, N4

 “Thank you so much for your time on this. I can`t tell you how much I appreciate it. You have given me the confidence to get back into yoga, modifying as appropriate and enjoying it again. Just feeling confident is a huge win.”

Kate, Yoga teacher

“I was referred by my regular osteopath following intense back pain after giving birth. I had pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy but hoped it would just rectify itself as much of google tells you. I didn’t know where to look for a mummy mot so when I was advised of Niamh I was hopeful. The assessment and treatment in the first session was thorough, informative and explained very well. I felt at ease straight away, it felt paced well, not rushed and the ever unwanted internal examination was reassuring more than uncomfortable. I would highly recommend Niamh. I also liked the space at Project Me. Never having been in before but gone past a million times, I’ll hopefully be back to see what else they have on offer. Niamh was also not pushing for more business in follow up appointments, she was very much about the appropriate treatment for me. Very happy.”
