Diastasis Recti (abdominal divide) What it is, how to find out if you have one and 8 great ways to manage and improve it What is a Diastasis? Diastasis is a stretch in the connective tissue running down the middle of your tummy. This connective tissue joins the rectus (“six-pack muscle”) in the centre. This stretch in the tissue is quite normal during pregnancy but in some women it doesn’t resolve afterwards. The…
Post Natal Exercises- The Early Days
Pelvic Floor Strengthening In any position but you may like to lie on your back with knees bent at first. Practice trying to isolate this muscle. Inhale, exhale as you gently zip up and lift your pelvic floor (from back to front) and relax on the inhale. Repeat for 12 reps. Rest 1-2 mins, then try another set or until fatigue. It important to allow the pelvic floor to fully relax in between contractions and at…
How to massage your C-section scar
The C-section Scar. This is an area you need to re-introduce yourself to. It may still feel like a foreign land but the sooner you get your fingers on there, the sooner it will feel re-connected with the rest of you. Check out this brilliant video which explains how to go about loving your battle wound. go on, break out the olive oil…
4 Reasons to have a Mummy MOT
1. Because you`re not sure if your body has recovered properly from birth Your body has been through some immense changes in a short space of time, when it comes to pregnancy and delivery. So you may feel like you want to get checked out before you venture onwards. You may be aware that French women have 10 sessions of pelvic floor rehab after giving birth, as standard! The usual UK 6 week check can often leave…